Live Long and Podcast
Join Justine Mastin and Larisa A. Garski as they talk all things pop culture, fandom, and psychology. These co-conspirators are Licensed Marriage and Family Therapists, writers, and full-time Starfleet officers. Together, let us boldly go into therapy!
87: The Grieving Therapist, Chapter 10
Kirk and Spock must face their darkest fears as they attempt to survive a wormhole.
86: The Grieving Therapist, Chapter 9
Kirk and Spock must face their darkest fears as they attempt to survive a wormhole.
85: The Grieving Therapist, Chapter 8
Kirk and Spock must face their darkest fears as they attempt to survive a wormhole.
84: The Grieving Therapist, Chapter 7
Kirk and Spock must face their darkest fears as they attempt to survive a wormhole.
83: The Grieving Therapist, Chapter 6
Kirk and Spock must face their darkest fears as they attempt to survive a wormhole.
82: The Grieving Therapist, Chapter 5
Kirk and Spock must face their darkest fears as they attempt to survive a wormhole.
81: The Grieving Therapist, Chapter 4
Kirk and Spock must face their darkest fears as they attempt to survive a wormhole.
80: The Grieving Therapist, Chapter 3
Kirk and Spock must face their darkest fears as they attempt to survive a wormhole.
79: The Grieving Therapist, Chapter 2
Kirk and Spock must face their darkest fears as they attempt to survive a wormhole.
78: The Return
Kirk and Spock begin the return to their own space-time... but to do that, they must face the that most slippery of Star Trek travel devices: the wormhole.
76: New Year, Nerd You
Ever wonder why your partner loves the games? Or why your partner doesn’t get your devotion to fandom? Join Kirk and Spock as we explore the undiscovered country of nerdom. #NewYearNewYou
75: Toss a Coin to Your Ferryman
Kirk and Spock grieve the loss of their favorite Witcher and spend time being sad about humanity’s obsession with owning ideas. #TheWitcherStyx
74: Our Flag Means Death
Kirk and Spock return from their unexpected away mission, and discuss another adventure that doesn’t go as planned. #ofmdsos
73: Encanto
Join Kirk and Spock as they sing and dance (?!) their way through Encanto's magical world of transgenerational trauma. #givepapaya
72: Christmas with the Vampires
Join Kirk and Spock as they begin a Vampire Diaries retrospective starting with season 1! #Vampmas
70: Dune, the Unburdening
Kirk and Spock put on their still-suits and slide dance their way through the sands of Arrakis. #Dunetheon
69: Only Murders on the Starship, Part II
Kirk and Spock investigate a murder and discover important truths about trust and identity along the way. #StarshipMurder2
68: Only Murders on the Starship
Only Murders on the Starship: Kirk and Spock investigate a murder and discover important truths about trust and identity along the way. #StarshipMurder
67: One More Thing...
Join Kirk as she introduces Spock to one of her most beloved detective fandoms, Columbo. #JustOneMoreThing
66: The Rickasode
Join the Captain and Spock as they explore the galaxy of Rick and Morty, taking a pit stop at the planet, Modernity. #Thericky
65: Warning: re-entry may be rocky
Join Kirk and Spock as they explore re-entering public society. #jazzing
64: We Wrote a Book!
Kirk and Spock share their adventures in publishing. #WeWroteABook
63: Exploring the Wandaverse Part 2
Kirk and Spock continue their journey into the Westview construct. #westviewconstruct
62: Exploring the Wandaverse
Kirk and Spock hex their way through the latest installment of the marvel cinematic universe. #mindhex
61: Video Games with Spock
In the crew’s continuing search for play, Kirk interviews Spock about the first officer’s lifelong love of video games. #levelup
60: Game Shows with Kirk
In the crew’s continuing search for play, Spock interviews Kirk about the captain’s lifelong love of game shows. #BigBucksNoWhammys
59: Bridgerton, Part 2
Last ep was all about Daphne and the Duke. This time, the crew check in with the rest of the Ton. #RegencyGossipGirl
58: Bridgerton, Part 1
Kirk and Spock beam down to Regency England to find out what happens when nobles stop being polite and start getting real. #RegencyGossipGirl
57: Baby Yoda Reloaded
Join the crew as they reflect on the journey of a thousand lightsabers, and process the renaming of Baby Yoda as Baby Grogu. #GroguSpoilers
56: Gaming Together
Join the crew on NYE to engage in all manner of games and fun! #Parcheeseme
55: Winter Solstice with the Sages
With the winter holidays in full swing, the crew take a moment to pause and spend time in Middle Earth.
54: Sad Gatherings
Join Kirk and Spock as they prepare to have themselves a very socially distant holiday season. #ghosthugs
53: Winter is Coming
With the winter season looming, the crew take some time to reflect on their year, and find gratitude for the small joys in life, like A Christmas Prince. #StarshipTheraprince
52: Crafting the Vow
Join Kirk and Spock as they explore the shadow side of cults, spirituality, and Skeet Ulrich. #sweetanniesherbs
51: Over the Garden Wall
Pack your frog and don your best hat, because the crew is headed Over the Garden Wall! #rockfact
49.5: Mourning Black Panther
Join Kirk and Spock as they remember one of the greats, Chadwick Boseman. #wakandaforever
49: We Will Go Down with this Ship
Kirk and Spock explore another famous ship, the Titanic. #sinkwithsafety
48: Techno Blinders
Join Kirk and Spock as they explore the light and shadow of laser focusing. #technoblinders #speorgnote #believetheelves
47: Don't Stop Believing
Kirk and Spock lighten up the mood with an episode focused on the joys of myth, love, and companionship. #totorowillhealus
46: Politics!
Join Kirk and Spock as they talk about politics, without hurting themselves or others. #onetruepolitician
45: The Fandom Guide to Activism
Join Kirk and Spock as they talk about ways to sustain your activism, and integrate it into your daily life! #fandomguidetoactivism
44: Breaking the Wall
Join Kirk and Spock as they break the fourth wall and get real about what's happening out there and in here. #blacklivesmatter
43: The Westworld Wedux
Westworld season 3 is a wrap, and now the crew wants to rap about it. #hostsarenottheirhosts
42: Magic Comes From Pain
Join the captain and her peerless first officer as they explore the point of pain. #magicmagicmagic
41: Pandemic Panopticon
The crew discusses what it's like to live in the current climate: both alone and under observation. #whosreadytopanopticon
40: Picard Yourself
Join the Captain and her logical companion as they process their feelings about Starfleet's other great captain, Jean-Luc Picard. #Jeanlucingatyou
39: Boring Self-Care
Join the crew as they explore the healing powers of bathing and other types of boring self-care activities. #BringingSexyBath
38: Passover Your Pandemic
Join the Captain and her logical companion as they go back in time to face the 2020 pandemic. #ThisTooShallPassover
37: When Your Drug of Choice is Freedom
The crew attempts to travel to Mardi Gras, exploring addiction, the illusion of choice, and freedom along the way. #FreeMardiGras
36: Ruling with Compassion
The crew offers a how-to on compassionate leadership. #beingabossboss
35: The Witcher - Change is Magic
Everyday magic doesn't come easily; it requires effort and sacrifice. When you can harness the power of magic you can change the world. #TossaCoinToYourPodcast
34: Baby Yoda - Caring for Your Inner Child in 2020
We all have an inner child; what if it's actually Baby Yoda? #NewYearNewYoda
33: A Christmas Séance
'Twas the week before Christmas and all through the ship, the crew went embarking on a ghostly trip! #WishingYouaVeryScaryChristmas
32: Coping with Legacy
The captain passes along the trauma of the Cardassian flu to Spock, and the two explore what it means to cope with a legacy that nobody wanted. #PassTheTrauma
31: Christmas Nightmares
The crew teams up with Jack Skellington to answer once and for all the trickiest question: is self-care even possible during the holidays? #WhatIsRest
30: 80's Movie Night Adventures
Join the crew as they explore the trials and tribulations of what it means to get where we're going, and those we meet along the way... especially ourselves. #PlanesTrainsandBabysitters
29: Be Your Own Boss
How to advocate for yourself: Coffee is for everyone! But in all seriousness, join the crew for an ep centered around self-advocacy and you. #GlenGarryYourself
28: Weird Dating
Join the crew for another 80's movie night featuring 'Weird Science' and a take down of 21st venture dating culture. See if you groan as often as Spock did while watching 'Weird Science.' #ProblematicScience
27: New Year, New You?
Join the crew as they celebrate the Jewish holiday of Rosh Hashanah and answer the age old question: can you ever really be a new you? #AuldLangSpock
26: Ferris Bueller's Day Off
Join the crew for our official Season 2 kick-off in Spock's favorite city: Chicago. Because, in the immortal words of today's antihero: "Life moves pretty fast. If you're not careful, you might miss it." #JeanieWasRobbed
25: GoT Special
Did you have feelings about the end of Game of Thrones? Well, so did the crew of the Starship Therapise. We've gathered together on the third moon of Risa to process, discuss, and cathart. Spoilers: We will be covering all eps of Game of Thrones #WinterWentPoorly
24: Grief and the Batman
In the season 1 finale, Kirk and Spock get really real about grief... and Batman.
23: Captain Marvel and the Hero’s Journey, Part 2
In this second part of our two-part mission, the crew picks up where we left off in the abyss, and gets us the F&*^ outta there!
22: Bad Dad Thanos
Join Spock and Kirk as they re-experience The Avengers: Infinity War and discover all the ways that Thanos really was the baddest dad.
21: Captain Marvel and the Hero’s Journey, Part 1
In this two-part mission, the crew breaks down the hero's journey through the lens of Captain Marvel!
20: Lousy Smarch Weather
Are you feeling it too? The crew of the Starship Therapise have been hit hard by the winter doldrums. Join them in a battle against depression, from the Pacific Northwest!
19: Homeostasis with the Vampire
Join Kirk and Spock as they face their inner 90's vampire, and explore how to create change when it feels like you're damned to an eternity of the same.
18: Will Riker and the #Metoo Movement
Spock is back from her first officer retreat, and she's got some FEELINGS about one William Riker. Join Kirk and Spock as they wrestle with love, admiration, and disappointment on the Starship Therapise.
17: Into the Spider-Verse: Integrate your Spidey Senses
Join us for a ghostly s??ance, and a trip through the Spider-Verse, on this week's voyage aboard the Starship Therapise!
16: The New Year's Revolution
Before you set your New Year's resolutions, join the crew as they explore the alternate possibility of joining the New Year's Revolution!
15: Pickle Rick - How the Holidays Tear Us Apart All Over Again
The Saga Concludes: Pickle Rick - How the Holidays Tear Us Apart All Over Again Join the crew as we recover from the glitz, the gore, and the gremlins of the holiday season with everyone's favorite anthropomorphic pickle. #SoLongSolenya
14: Die Hard - How the Holidays Bring Us Back Together
The Trilogy Continues: Die Hard - How the Holidays Bring Us Back Together: Join the crew as they continue the trilogy of holiday-themed family therapy pods. This time, healing a relationship after a breach of trust. #OfficerPsychotherapist
13: Gremlins 2 - How the Holidays Can Tear Us Apart
The Trilogy Begins: Gremlins 2 - How the Holidays Can Tear Us Apart: Join the crew as they begin the first in a three-part series on how to survive, and maybe even thrive, during the holiday season!
12: Self-Care as Activism
On this voyage the crew is headed to the planet self-care. Hop aboard, and discover how taking care of yourself is a form of microactivism! #MosquitoRise #Vote
11: Noir Narration as Self-Talk
Have you ever wanted to change up your internal monologue, so it pumps you up instead of pummeling you to ground? Join the Starship Therapise as they learn how to harness the power of the internal noir narrator, or...
10: Power of Play
Join Justine and Larisa as they play the game of couches! Like Game of Thrones, except everybody wins.
Bonus: Blooper Reel
Due to unforeseen circumstances on the planet surface, the entire bridge crew is unavailable to record this week's episode! Instead, please enjoy some of our favorite moments left on the cutting room floor, from the first 9 episodes of the show!
9: Parentification
Join the intrepid team of Justine and Larisa as they explore the cosmic black hole of parentification, or: what happens when grownups aren't.
8: Rules, Roles, & Boundaries
Join Batman and Robin, er Justine and Larisa, as they explore the systems that keep families functioning, with the help of everyone's favorite Dark Knight: Batman.
7: Family of Choice
Join Justine and Larisa as they explore the intricacies of families of choice with the help of the devil you know: Marvel's Daredevil.
6 Bonus: Away Mission to SDCC
In this very special bonus episode, the captain regales Spock with her adventures at San Diego Comic-Con. She also shares of her own fandom attachment experiences with two of the actresses from her beloved, Supernatural.
6: Fandom Attachments
Join Justine and Larisa as they explore the basis for some of the most important relationships in our lives: our relationships with fandom characters.
5: Self-Compassion
Join Justine and Larisa on a voyage of self-compassion as explored via warrior femmes in fandoms like Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Laura Roslin.
4 Bonus: The Trouble With Gremlins
Join us for this very special episode in which Kirk & Spock debate the demerits of the 1980s classic Gremlins.
4: Externalizing Your Gremlins
Join Starfleet officers Justine and Larisa as they discuss ways to battle your inner tribbles err gremlins to save the galaxy and reclaim your magwai identity.
3: Fanfiction IRL
On this voyage, Justine and Larisa discuss the narrative therapy technique known as re-authoring your identity, through the lens of fan fiction. Kirk learns about Spock's early forays into fanfic (who knew?!) and the crew discusses ways to use this tool in daily life.
2: The Westworld Construct
On this voyage, Justine and Larisa discuss Social Constructionism through the lens of Westworld, with some teen movie tropes thrown in for good measure. Listeners beware, you may just question the nature of your own reality.
1: The Maiden Voyage of Starship Therapise
Justine and Larisa explore the DBT concept of wise/emotional/rational minds (aka: Kirk brain/Spock brain), discussing ways this framework can be helpful to folks in their daily life.